Monday, April 30, 2012

The Way to My Heart. . .

. . .is the Theatre. There's just something about getting dressed up and going to the movies. I love this song from the movie Annie. It makes my smile and I can't stop. It sums up my feelings exactly!:

Let's go to the movies!

If you've ever gone to the movies with me, you know I HAVE to get there early to watch the previews. Even if it's at the dollar movie and all the previews are movies that are out already.  I love the way they put the scenes together that makes your heart pound with excitement--SO fun! 

And then the movie starts, the theater speakers pound, the larger-than-life stars appear on the screen, and that's it: you've won over my heart. It just makes me happy.

I love going to the original theatre too. Plays, Broadway, Musicals. . .ah! It all equals happiness in my mind.

Now, I'm going to rush over & look at the movie times for tonight!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love going to the movies too! You are such a good blogger, I am QUITE jealous! I love reading your posts! Let us know what movie you go see! :) Love you girl!
