Monday, September 30, 2013


A few more Smash Book/Art Journal pages for inspiration...

Sometimes I get ideas from magazines; sometimes I try to copy things I like from Pinterest and mix it up with my style, and sometimes-I have leftover watercolors and I decide to turn them into a color swatch page!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Glimpses from my Smash Book

 I've gotten really into the new Smash Book fad {or Art Journal, if you prefer}. It's a place for me to put all of my ideas/wishes/dreams that I don't really have a place for. I can fan-girl, dream big, make mistakes, and try new things-and it doesn't matter. Because it's just for me. I don't need to turn it in as an assignment, I don't need to sell it, I don't even have to share it if I don't want to. And that is so refreshing and relaxing. My imagination can really be set free and I love it!

Here's a few of the pages I wanted to share. Proof that  it can be anything and everything you want. Start your own! You can take as long as you'd like to finish it. It can be in any book you have laying around. 
Just smash it in!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Indie Life Lessons

I've never been much of an Indie Movie lover.

I love the idea of it-I'm all for independent creativity, but I've always found that indies are depressing and sad and if you're going to watch a movie or read a book or listen to a song--shouldn't it make you excited and happy and uplifted?

I'm still very much a believer in that last part-but I've kinda changed my thinking about independent or almost-unknown films. Since I discovered my Bcumberbatch I wanted to see what other things he had on his resume. Which led me to a few other small budget films...after the first couple I was left kind-of deflated and like "What was the point of that?", but still wanted to watch more. So I did and I finally realized why I was so intrigued by these intelligent scripts.

Unlike major Hollywood films, indies {at least the ones I watch} usually deal with "real life" situations. The simple everyday things that happen. Something extraordinary doesn't usually happen, problems are solved in a way that it would really be solved with imperfect humans...they don't give you that over-the-top fantasy feeling {which, of course, I love...but I've also come to love IF because >} they usually end on a happy note. You know there will still be things in the future that happen that the characters will have to work through, but they've decided to be happy with where they are now.


That is realistic. Real-life. What really happens. Chances are, I'm not going to be swept off my feet by a handsome prince and live in a castle-but I still have hope that I will find a man that is good and kind and trying and we will get married and live in a lovely house and work hard everyday to be happy. Not "my-life-is-so-beautifully-perfect-and-nothing-goes-wrong" happy, but "I'm-really-enjoying-my-day-and-my-life-right-now" happy/content.


That is good for me. I don't need the extreme. I'm okay to live a calm, simple life. I will still have dreams and work hard-but no more reaching for the impossible. That just makes me feel small and unimportant. I will make goals that are big, but realistic. Happiness doesn't come from having everything you see--it comes from doing hard things that make you grow and feel good about yourself.

People make mistakes. People can be forgiven. You can try again.

I'm not saying that  you should stay with something or someone just because you don't think something better or extraordinary will realistically happen. Because what kind of life is that? I'm just saying life is not going to be perfect, but if you are trying your best, that is good. Be happy about that. Be happy with your life right now. Stop thinking "Some day I'll have enough money to do what I day I won't be stuck in this small apartment-I will have a big house full of nice things..." Be happy with the simple things. If someone has enough passion to spend the time and money on a film about everyday life--then you can find the time to smile about something that is really good about today. Remember the big picture, the point of life.  Maybe this is how things are going to be. Instead of running away from it-embrace it-love it.

stop. smile. breathe. life is beautiful.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Can I Please Go Back?!

Missing Seattle today.

{at the delicious HoneyHole}

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

being single

Annoying Things People Say to Single People

My boyfriend is so la anyway--what about you? Are you dating anyone?


Enjoy this single time-it's so fun!

You don't have a boyfriend? Oh, well, that's okay, honey.

My nephew is so cute! I will set you up! Can I give him your phone number?

Tv Animated Gif on Giphy

You just have to get out there! Go on lots of dates-it's fun!

You'll find HIM when you stop looking.

But mostly, I'm just want to say:

But seriously:

i'm fun and nice! ;)

So if you can't see that:

plus all those cliche things...i'm gunna die alone...boys are dumb...i'm going to be a crazy cat lady

some days it's pretty painful and I really DO feel sad that I'm not dating... 

But most days it's like:

and now I'm going to go have fun binge-watching Netflix and eating chocolate. yum!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Leg 03 of our Road Trip was in Washington. I've always wanted to go to Seattle-I even thought I might live there one day--I still might! Who knows. ;)

While we were being touristy at the Space Needle I saw out of the corner of my eye this little sign that said "Chihuly Garden of Glass". I had learned about Chihuly in school and I thought he was absolutely fantastic. To tour it was of course expensive (to me) so I was just going to look around the gift shop, but then my dad surprised me and bought me a ticket! I was beyond words--so happy and excited. 
And it was incredible! I will never forget this experience!

Dale Chihuly was born in 1941 in Tacoma, Washington and is an amazing glass sculptor. 

I can't even describe to you how beautiful it was. It was everything that I love all in one garden. He is remarkable and I'm so glad I was lucky enough to see his beautiful sculptures!

Friday, September 13, 2013

tumblr 4eva

Are you a tumblr-ite yet? You should be. Seriously--tumblr is a collection of the funniest, sassiest, most clever introverts from all over the world. It's lovely!

Just listen to some of the quotes from the tumblrs I've been reading lately:

"everyone is getting into relationships and growing up and I'm just getting lazier and finding more tv series to watch."

"it's really hilarious how parents think that tumblr is filled with middle aged men that are obsessed with young teenagers-when it's actually the other way around."

"depression is when you don't really car about anything. Anxiety is when you care too much about everything. and having both is just like-what"

"can you imagine if tumblr just decided to shut down and you see all these confused teenagers coming out of their house squinting at the sun"

Not to mention all the amazing fandom stuff people come up with.


Just in case you haven’t seen how Misha’s dad reacts to his son’s fanbase.

I mean--it's a Keisha-paradise!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Redwood Forest

Dad's wanted to go to the Redwood Forest since. . .FOREVER! And we finally got to go during Leg 02 of our Road Trip. Absolutely beautiful!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I told you we were the perfect couple.

Can I just point out something real quick?

My last name is {EGG}bert.
His first name is BENEDICT.
Together we would be EGGS BENEDICT.

Okay. Just. 

How perfect is that? :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Salt in the Air, Sand in My Hair

I love the beach. I MUST live close to a coast in my life. Breezy cool beaches are my favorite. . .so the Oregon coast on Leg 02 of my last vacation was perfection!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Liebster Award

I was nominated by the lovely Amy to participate in the Liebster Award and pass it on to other bloggers! I've kind-of been at a loss of what to blog, so I'm excited to do this and for you to get to know me better. :) Go check out Amy's blog {here}! She has darling posts! 

"Liebster" means dearest in German, and it's awarded, blogger to blogger, to up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.  The rules for accepting and giving the award are pretty simple.  Once you accept the award, you just have to do the following in a blog entry:

Answer the 11 questions posted by the nominator on her blog
Give 11 facts about yourself
Nominate 5-11 other new, up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers
Make up 11 more questions to pass on to the bloggers you choose to nominate
Thank your nominator by linking back to her blog
Upon your post going live, contact your nominees about your nomination for them

Amy's Questions:

1. What movie have you seen more times than any other movie? Hmmm, this is a tough one...I love movies so much! Probably would have to be Sweet Home Alabama. I never get sick of that one. 
So good. :)


2. What would be your perfect date? April 25th, because it's not too hot and not too cold--all you need is a light jacket!...oh wait...sorry! that's not what you meant--I'm a traditionalist in only a few things, and this is one of them. Dinner at a bistro/cafe and a movie. That way we can get to know each other at dinner and then do one of my favorite things--watch a film! :)

3. What has been your most embarrassing moment? I used to be embarrassed by everything. I was a VERY shy kid. But, honestly, now I hardly get embarrassed. I can't remember the last time I was truly humiliated about something I did. I just think--what's the point? People do dumb stuff all the time--so just roll your eyes, laugh, and get on with it.

4. Have you ever seen something in a store that you absolutely loved and couldn't walk away without no matter what the price? What was it? A purse. It's always the purses! Most of my "fun" money goes to bags I don't need!

5. What has been your favorite Halloween costume? Oh boy...I'm not much of a Halloween person...but last year I was a 20's flapper girl and that was REALLY fun! I'm pretty sure I was born in the wrong era.

6. Have you ever been approached by someone you recognized but you couldn't for the life of you remember how you know them? Every. day. I swear. It's so embarrassing! I usually just try to play along until they say something that sparks a memory for me. Please tell me you guys do this too!

7. What nicknames have people made up for you? My dad's side of the family is nickname obsessed. I don't think anyone calls anyone by their real names...I've been keishbobeish my whole life; Uncle Parris calls me BOBEEEESH!; I was Lorraine for a bit when I was little {for quiche lorraine}.


8. What did you want to be growing up? Has it changed as you have gotten older? Haha. When I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a mom that was also a teacher. Probably because that's what my mom did. Then I think I wanted to be Amelia Earhart minus the getting lost overseas. ;) I've always had a small part of me (sometimes it's a big part) that wants to be a Hollywood Actress. Complete with all the glamour, drama, paparazzi, interviews--not to mention getting to act for a living! FUN! Then I had no clue what I wanted to be for a long time and it kind-of scared me. Then I took an Interior Design class in High School and fell in love. That was the moment I decided what to major in in College. Now, I still love designing, but I'm more into my Illustration business. If I could be an Illustrator for a living--that would be the BEST job! I've also thought recently of being a Set Designer--pretty far away from a teacher--thank goodness--that job is too hard!! ;)

9.Favorite online store to shop at? Forever 21 and Express and Amazon and Fab and Vault and...

10. What's the strangest talent you have? I have a double jointed pointer finger on my right hand. Yeah, I'm pretty hard core.

11. What is your favorite physical feature? Is this weird?--I like my fingernails. . .haha, that is weird--oh gosh. But it's true! I like the way they look with a fresh coat of polish--just ties everything together. And even when I don't love my outfit or I've had a nice pj/sweats/greasy hair day--my nails still look nice. :)

11 Facts About Me {if you're not bored yet}

1. I'm currently saving for a trip to England! WHOO!
2. I've secretly always wanted a tattoo. 
3. My mom always told me I would regret not sticking with Piano Lessons. She was right.
4. I am {mentally} dating Benedict Cumberbatch and we have the perfect relationship!
5. Since college I can't JUST WATCH a movie {at home}--I have to be doing something with my hands--crafting, sketching, painting. I think it's because I got so used to working on renderings and floor plans on my computer with a movie on in the background. 
6. I'm Lactose Intolerant. 
7. I'll find something I like and I will get utterly obsessed with it for a while. {Doctor Who, Smash book-ing, Justin Bieber, mint m&ms...} I honestly can't think of anything else--and then for some reason it starts to peter out until I can hardly remember it. Weird.
8. I am a fan-girl through and through.
9. I love photography and those that do it well.
10. I am a book lover! I love anything that can transport you to another world.
11. Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. 

Phew! That was fun! hope you learned something about me that you didn't know before! 

I am nominating: EliseElisabeth (p.s. I know you two have over 200 followers--but I REALLY want to hear your answers. :)), Kristina, Madeline, Tari, Darcie

Here are your questions ladies!

1. What's your zodiac sign? And do you read your horoscope? And do you think it fits your personality?
2. First kiss story!
3. Shuffle your Ipod and tell me the first 3 songs that come up. (no lies! ;))
4. What's your favorite website/blog/tumblr?
5. Who's your celebrity crush? (you can't have Benedict--sorry, not sorry. ;))
6. Top 5 ways to win your heart?
7. Tell me a joke. 
8. No money reservations--where would you live/visit for a month?
9. 3 things that you always have in your purse/backpack/car/pocket?
10. What book could you read over and over again?
11. Your favorite TV series?

Can't wait to see your posts!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Save Me, San Francisco

Today I'm really aching for a vacation. Making a list of things to see when I'm in the UK (!!) has satisfied me so far, but today, I just really want to get out of town. But I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through my pictures of my last holiday. It was a darn good one, so I guess that'll work for now. :)

Here's some of my favorites from Leg 01: San Francisco. I sure missed this place!