Monday, April 30, 2012

The Way to My Heart. . .

. . .is the Theatre. There's just something about getting dressed up and going to the movies. I love this song from the movie Annie. It makes my smile and I can't stop. It sums up my feelings exactly!:

Let's go to the movies!

If you've ever gone to the movies with me, you know I HAVE to get there early to watch the previews. Even if it's at the dollar movie and all the previews are movies that are out already.  I love the way they put the scenes together that makes your heart pound with excitement--SO fun! 

And then the movie starts, the theater speakers pound, the larger-than-life stars appear on the screen, and that's it: you've won over my heart. It just makes me happy.

I love going to the original theatre too. Plays, Broadway, Musicals. . .ah! It all equals happiness in my mind.

Now, I'm going to rush over & look at the movie times for tonight!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Darlings

So you know how much I love music. It's in my big 3, my top 3 things that make me happy. (fashion, movies, & music). One of my favorite parts of music is finding bands/artists that no one has heard of. I like the underdogs. The people who defied the normal and tried the unexpected. I have a hard time when "my" artists that "I discovered" (on youtube, from friends, etc) get crazy famous and everyone loves them even though "I found them first". It's so silly, but I think I just don't want them to get sucked up in the craziness of Hollywood and change get ruined. I'm very possessive of my babies!! ;) Haha, but I really AM happy for their successes! They work hard and they deserve it. Just know that I found them first. ;) Have a listen, why dontcha. Enjoy the weekend! See you Monday!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


When I bought my iPod, I had engraved on the back.: "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life". and I truly believe it is true. I love music! In a short list of my all-time-favorite-things: Fashion, Movies, and MusicIt can change your mood in three notes. It can make your heart pound, your eyes tear, your lips smile, your feet tap, and the atmosphere change.   
I put together a little playlist for you of the songs that are getting me off the couch to dance, run, and sing at the top of my lungs! Wash away some of the dust in your life and dance along!  

Friday, April 20, 2012


I have the kindest people in my life. Yes, I'm talking about you. I am so lucky. Kind words make all the difference. They can flip a day, turn a frown, brighten a life. Thank you for all the kind things you say to me and to others. You truly never know what is going on in someones life. A kind word is as easy to say as mean one and the difference it makes is enormous.

I love how Ellen ends her show everyday with "be kind to one another". I know I can definitely try to be kinder to everyone. thank you for helping me feel happy! have a good weekend! See you on Monday!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Photo shoot!

what girl doesn't love to dress up and have a back yard photo shoot? sounds like a fun night-in to me!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


so listen, i hate dying easter eggs. it's messy and gross and I don't even like hard boiled eggs. . . BUT calli really wanted to dye some this year, so we bought the kit and dove in. . .at least the colors were pretty!


Mine :)

awe, so cute! glad i could have some bonding time with sister. it was worth it. :)