Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Mental Illnesses are hard.

Because people look at you and can't see anything "wrong" with you, so they assume you're fine.

Because people think you can "just get over it".

Because people don't understand unless they live it too.

Because it's a constant internal "how-come-i'm-not-normal" fight.

Because "to-take or not-to-take" medication.

Because balancing doses of medication is a bitch.

Because it hurts.

But being on the outside looking in is even harder.

Because you don't know what that person is going through.

Because you don't understand.

Because you WANT to understand.

Because you want to make it go away for them.

Because you love them.

Because you can see the difference when they take meds vs. when they don't: and they can't see it.

Because they think they are fine without meds/therapy/help, but you know they're not.

Because it hurts you to see them hurt.

And when you have to deal with both...sometimes it seems like it's impossible to keep going.

Because you can't help them.

Because you can't help yourself.

Because it's in your HEAD.

Because there is no simple fix.

Because you can't just go to a doctor and say "I broke my head, can I have a cast please?" and expect it to heal in 6-8 weeks.

Because you wrestle with your thoughts all. day. long.

But you have to keep going. You just have to. I know it doesn't seem like it-but it will all be worth it. Practice separating sympathy from empathy. You will slip. It will be hard. Go ahead and cry and then get up and try again. One day at a time. One hour at a time. Just keep going.

Find something that makes you smile and build on that. Try to remember that this life is not forever. Try to remember that you are not alone.

Most people have some kind of mental struggle...we just need to be kind to everyone. Extra kind, because you honestly NEVER KNOW what someone is going through. Even if it's not logical, something you say or do could send someone into a downward spiral. Let's be there for each other. We're all here struggling with SOMETHING--let's make life easier for each other, not more difficult. Stay alive. I love you, even if it seems like no one else does. I love you. Stay Strong. We can do this.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

true meaning of Christmas

You know what bothers me?

When people go around saying "Christmas isn't about the gifts or Santa Claus or trees or's about Jesus's birth!"

Yes, this is the time of year that we celebrate the Savior coming to earth and all the wonderful things He has done for us...I don't disregard that, BUT

Christmas IS about the gifts. The magic of the trees lit up. The mystery of Santa Claus. And there is nothing wrong with that.

s p a r k l e

Our world is so full of hate and disappointments and cruelty>but during the Christmas season everything seems a little brighter, a little happier, a little better.

You spend time thinking of others and what you could do for them. My FAVORITE thing in the world is giving gifts. I spend so much time collecting, wrapping, thinking of what I can give to the people that I love so much. I can show them I love them by giving a little love.

adorable DIY wrapping paper- cut an old brown grocery or take out bag, cut it into a sheet and wrap a gift in it. Take those sticker dots from the office supply store and polka dot the wrapped gift, add twine for a bow with a rustic touch. So cute!

I don't care if you give a card that you wrote on a scratch paper or if you decide to buy something you know would make them happy--or anything in between. The point is that you thought of someone else and spent precious time thinking of them and not yourself.

That is why Christmastime is so special to me. It's the magic. It's the thoughtfulness. It's seeing Random Acts of Kindness done by people you would never think had it in their heart. I wish we could have this love all year round--but for now, I'm just glad we have it at all. 

Every time I start thinking about something going on in the world, in my town, even in my home--it all comes down to love. 

And when I think of Love, I think of Jesus, and would Jesus want me to show my love to others? Absolutely. And this time of year that means wishing others Happy Holidays and giving a gift of love.

You don't need to have the stress of spending money. Stress doesn't equal love, so if it's stressful, don't do it. If all you can do this year is give a smile or give the gift of forgiveness or give a hug and an "I love you"--then that is perfect!  

Just don't say you're not going to give anything this year because you are thinking about the "true meaning of Christmas" because if you truly understood what it meant for the world for Jesus to be born, you would give everything you had.

reading by the fire