Thursday, August 29, 2013

Doctor Who

All I want to do lately is lay in bed and watch Doctor Who. The writers and actors in this show are BRILLIANT. I can't stop. I'm on Series 4 of the new Doctor Who. I'm planning on catching up on the old episodes when I'm done with the new.

I saw this thing on Pinterest that explained perfectly the falling in love with the new doctor or companion.

HEY: everything in Purple = SPOILERS!
If you haven't seen up to Series 4 of Doctor Who--I wouldn't read it. ;)

Chris Eccleston is fantastic! Really, really great. And when he regenerated, I teared up a bit. Then this "new doctor" David Tennant. He's too silly, too goofy, and I keep thinking of Barty Crouch's son from Harry Potter. Then--he says something genius and I laugh a little. Then I realize I'm going to have to like him, because he'll be around for awhile. And Rose loves him. . .so. . .

Okay, David Tennant is a fantastic Doctor. Really, really great.

And then Rose has to leave and it broke my heart. And I missed enjoying most of the next episodes because I kept looking for a way for Rose to come back.

And I hate Donna. and Martha. Just go away. You're not Rose, you never will be. Just leave me alone to cry.

Then Martha starts to fall in love with the Doctor and I feel for her. Haven't we all been in her place where we love someone so much and they don't even blink an eye in our direction? So then Martha does something that I've always wished I could do. She gets out-she tells the Doctor why she has to leave and then she leaves.

Then Donna. Oh weird little Donna. "You want to mate? Well, not with me you don't!" haha. she makes me laugh. But she is DRAMA. She screams a lot. But then...she feels so much. She is so caring and helps the doctor be better. So I love her. And then, she has to lose her memory. I uncontrollably bawled my eyes out last night watching that episode. Poor Donna.

Goodness. I haven't cried that hard over fictional characters from a TV series since last week Season 3 of Supernatural. OY.

My obsession to Doctor Who is no where near my love for Sherlock and BenedictC. , but I sure love it. It makes my imagination go wild and keeps surprising me every episode. Brilliant.  If you haven't watched it yet--seriously--get it on your Netflix queue NOW. You won't regret it. ;)  Allons-y. Don't Blink.

There's that moment where I'm thinking about what I'm supposed to do with my life, and I ask my parents: "I'm trying to find my life purpose. What am I passionate about? What do I talk a lot about?"  My dad: "Your life purpose is Doctor Who."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Introverts of the World--unite!>when you feel up to it.

So, I saw this article on Facebook via my girl, Darcie, and I just had to share. Sometimes I think people around me think I don't like them--but it's not that at all. I'm just Introverted.

"1. You find small talk incredibly cumbersome.

Introverts are notoriously small talk-phobic, as they find idle chatter to be a source of anxiety, or at least annoyance. . .“Let's clear one thing up: Introverts do not hate small talk because we dislike people," Laurie Helgoe writes in "Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength.""

Small talk is exhausting. I was never the teenager that spent hours talking to their girl friends on the phone. What is the point of expelling all that energy for a few words of "man, this weather sucks. . ."?

"7. Downtime doesn't feel unproductive to you.
One of the most fundamental characteristics of introverts is that they need time alone to recharge their batteries. Whereas an extrovert might get bored or antsy spending a day at home alone with tea and a stack of magazines, this sort of down time feels necessary and satisfying to an introvert."

This is number one for me. Unless you're introverted, you don't understand that going out does not energize us. Staying home, being quiet with a book is the only way to recharge. It doesn't mean we don't want to go out with you ever, or that we don't like you, it's just that we are out of energy and need to "plug in" for a bit. 

"8. Giving a talk in front of 500 people is less stressful than having to mingle with those people afterwards."

The mingling is the worst. Maybe because it's unknown? I can get up and speak to a room of people something that I have prepared and have had time to write out, but when it comes to standing about chatting--serious anxiety!

"10. You start to shut down after you've been active for too long.
Everything introverts do in the outside world causes them to expend energy, after which they'll need to go back and replenish their stores in a quiet environment, says Dembling. Short of a quiet place to go, many introverts will resort to zoning out."
Again--doesn't mean I don't like you--just means my energy is gone and I need some peace to recharge.
"14. You screen all your calls -- even from friends.
You may not pick up your phone even from people you like, but you’ll call them back as soon as you’re mentally prepared and have gathered the energy for the conversation."
I just need some time to mentally prepare and channel some energy and then I will be happy to chat. :)
"21. You've been told to “come out of your shell.
Many introverted children come to believe that there's something "wrong" with them if they're naturally less outspoken and assertive than their peers."
I'm still trying to learn this. That it is NOT WRONG to be introverted. It is good to push yourself and do things that are hard for you--we can't grow unless we try new things/things that scare us. But, it's okay to need time alone. It's actually good. If you can't be happy with yourself--how can you be happy with anyone else?
So, here's to the introverts of the world. When you've mentally prepared yourself, raise your cuppa and join in the movement to realize that being introverted is GREAT! Smile and hug those extroverts around us that help us try new things and allow us to "ride their fun bubble" as the article says. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

the best kind of crying

Sometimes I just feel like crying. Sometimes it's the boo-hoo-poor-me-why-me kind. Which is the worst kind. I hate that.

Sometimes it's the my-life-has-turned-out-so-much-differently-than-i-though-it-would-and-i-don't-know-if-that's-good-or-bad kind. That kind is stressful. I don't much like that one either.

And sometimes, very seldom, but every once in awhile, it's the everything-around-me-is-so-beautiful-humans-are-so-creative-i-am-inspired-&-in-awe kind.

That is the best kind. I want to feel that more often. Which means I need to surround myself with beautiful things and ideas more often. This is the time in my life when it can be all about me. I don't have a husband or children to worry about  take care of, so I can do things that I love every second--if I choose to.

That said, I hate when people say "happiness is a choice", because there are so many factors that go into how a person thinks and views the world--but I definitely believe that the way you see the world affects the way you think and therefore act. We have to actively pursue happiness in order to keep it with us. It's a day-by-day thing. Sometimes a minute-by-minute thing.

So raise a glass. Repeat this mantra if needed{everything around me is so beautiful}. Here's to making a goal to be more happy and enjoy things more often. Here's to saying "no" if we must in order to take care of ourselves. Here's to filling our eyes and minds and hearts with things that are truly beautiful. Here's to dreaming a little bigger. Cheers.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lucy's Runaway Imagination

Guess what? I wrote and illustrated a children's book.
WHOO! Should be coming in the mail in a few weeks! So excited!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

a life of its own.

I've been wanting to start creative writing again. It keeps me alive and helps me see the big picture of life. If I can see my life as a story; then things don't seem so scary, annoyances turn into things I can laugh about, disappointments aren't as devastating--because it's all just a small chapter in the book of my life.

So I saw this writing prompt on Pinterest and decided to take a whack.

Someone should write a book where the main character slowly falls in love with the reader

As always when I'm writing, it turns into something completely different than what I thought it would at the beginning. This took on a life of its own and what I thought would be a story where the main character fell in love with who ever was reading, turned into the reader being a 3rd party looking into the life of a girl that fell in love with the main character in her book. . . .

Different, but still very interesting. 

I wasn't sure where to start, so I began with this other writing prompt. 

But now,

Three words turned into the beginning of a story that maybe we can all relate to.

"I trusted you. . ."

The salty tears from my eyes blur the letters on the page. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I read, eyes squinting to clear the watery words.
I think back to our first day. So young and naive I was. We both were. The warnings were clear, but the promise of love overpowered it all.

The first few chapters of our love began with Ty out with another. I can hardly remember her name anymore. Sandra or Susan or something. Now I wish I wouldn't have interfered. We'd all be better off if he'd stayed with her.

I turn back to the page I'm reading. My tears have dried up by now. I suspect there's not many left.

"Don't leave me. . ." His plea is so simple, so desperate, it rips my heart in two. I try to swallow, try to answer, but the lump in my throat is barbed wire. I don't know what to do.

He is silent now, but I know he is slumped on the ragged couch, a now-cold cup of tea in his limp hands. I know because we have done this before and every time I go back and find him there. Just sitting. Nearly dead.

He needs me. I need him. But I can't spend my life like this. I have already sacrificed so many months to him. I need to move on.

"I trusted you too, you know," the words slip out and I see them appear, slowly, on the page in front of me. I pick up the book again and wait for his reply.

How did I allow this to happen?

I was born a dreamer, my mom always said. Always in costume, dancing around the house, singing to my prince charming that I had just met in the storybook that lay on my floor.

And as I grew, so did my infatuation with books and fictional characters. Every book I would read would end up sprawled across my chest, forgotten with the close my eyes and the start of a dream. In my mind I was suddenly thrown into the book, much like Mary Poppins is sucked into chalk pictures. I was the damsel in distress, the captain of the ship, the struggling heroin trying saving her family. But always, always, there was a prince. My prince. He was there to save me, support me, love me.

But sooner or later, my eyes would open and I would return to my world and get on with life. But each time it was harder to pull away. Fiction became better than reality and I spent every possible hour reading, dreaming, thinking about my fictional life.

Then one day, I found Ty. A book abandoned on a park bench and a family reunion to escape from has left me--now almost a year later--heart broken and desperate.

"Come here," the words materializing on the page in front of me snap me out of my stupor.

"I. . .can't," I stammer, but know it is hopeless. I've never been able to escape his plea's. I see his face in a ghostly daydream in front of me and sigh. One more, just one more time. I close my eyes and feel myself sucked into the worn book.

He is there. Cold tea, ragged couch, just as I imagined. He stands and is by my side in two long strides. His hand traces my chin and before I have a chance to even think about protesting--his lips have found mine and it feels so real that I find myself slipping again. Into this fantasy world. I breakaway and feel tears pulling at my eyes again.

"I have to let you go," I whisper, and it feels as if I've opened a trap door under my feet. I'm falling and screaming for Ty to help me, but all I see is white. No words, no floor, no Ty. I am completely alone.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Wow guys. You are great.
I've been having kind-of a sucky few days {can't figure out why} 
but the one good thing is the SO MANY sweet blog comments from you. 
Yesterday, the only time I smiled {a real smile--not the fake work smile} 
was when I read through my comments.
Thank you for being so nice and making me feel so good. I love you!

Sometime life gets tough {i feel bad even saying that when others i know have it so much worse}. 
But everyone has our own bad days. It's not the same bad as someone else's, but it's still hard.
 Sometimes we get caught in a rut and it is SO HARD to get out.

I don't think I'm quite out of mine yet, but I'm trying. I've got up off the dirty chasm floor and have
started to climb. And isn't that what life is about? Getting up, doing better, trying harder?

No matter what your beliefs are--that is part of being human. 
Everyone has that little voice inside that pushes and expects them {us} to be better. 
The way I think about it--that's how all things happen in the world.
 Presidents get elected because we're trying to have a better country, 
movies get made because we're trying to create better {if not imaginary} worlds, 
Twitter gets updated because we are trying to show the world what we did to make life better that day.
Some people may choose different ways to accomplish this, 
but I believe we are all trying to be better people in our own way.

The thing I'm trying to learn now is to push myself to be better but still being kind to myself.
I've worked my whole life to be more outgoing and kind to others and I sort-of forgot to love myself.

In time, if you don't love YOU, you can't be there for others. And serving others is so important. 
But being there for yourself is more important in my eyes.

So grab a mug, pour some hot chocolate {with tons of marshmallows}, 
draw yourself a bubble bath, and LOVE the person you are tonight.
Keep trying to be better, but don't get down when you have a rough day {or days}.

"Don't worry darling, every little thing is going to be okay."
This is my mantra. I have it in vinyl in my bathroom, so I see it everyday. 
It really is going to be okay. One step at a time.


Bubble Bath #YankeeCandle #MyRelaxingRituals

Monday, August 12, 2013

So British

I just really want to move to the UK.
It has EVERYTHING I love.

the accents. the words. the bands. the men. the architecture.
 the cobblestone roads. the buildings. the beach. 

England would probably be my first choice--and not just because B.Cumberbatch is there. ;)
It's just so darn beautiful. I could definitely be happy there.

(by Sid Black)

England: Weather In Waiting

Sigh, for now, I guess I'll just have to settle with watching BBC, 
dropping more British words into my vocabulary, and pouring myself a cuppa.
I keep hearin british words in my head

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Colorful Cookies

I wanted to make something fun for my girls-night-in a few weeks ago, and when I saw these colorful cookies from Sally's Baking Addiction, I knew I had to make them!

I had just opened my package from Lisa Leonard earlier and my gold pinwheels made the perfect topper! So fun!

I LOVE mint anything, so I also added mint frosting in-between for a delish cookie sandwich! YUM!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Inked Chevrons Illustrations on Etsy

 So I've recently opened up my Etsy shop again! YAY! Go over and check it out!

I have graphic prints. . .

hand drawn greeting cards. . . 

and of course, illustrations!

I just added a bunch of listings--it's FUN! Also, if you follow the facebook page, there's a promo going on where you can get a FREE graphic print with any purchase! WHOO!

Friday, August 2, 2013

benedict cumberbatch is a babe



Benedict Cumberbatch #13

Benedict Cumberbatch-Star Trek Into Darkness Photoshoot
Happy Easter indeed! Thanks Andreas! X


After seeing him perfect his role in the new Star Trek film, 
I finally took my good friends advice to queue Sherlock on Netflix. 
W.O.W. He is incredible.

And not only is he a remarkable actor; but he is a humble,
gorgeous, Brit. What more do you need?

He has beat Chris{Pine} on my list of 
Celebrities I'd Like to Marry.

That is really saying something. I've been in love
with Chris since Princess Diaries 2, so for a
newbie to swoop in and steal Chris' place must
mean he is pretty fantastic. 

And, oh boy, he. is.

Cumberbatch tired of Ôposh-bashing'

I'm happy to join this fandom. A Cumberbitch, Cumberbabe, or just one Cumbercookie in the full Cumberbatch--I'll be part of the CumberCollective forever.

{our marriage will be perfect.}

Thursday, August 1, 2013

the blog of happiness


i've decided to come back to the world of blogging! 

i made the excuse that i got too quote un-quote "busy" and stopped blogging for a while.

the truth is though, i was a little discouraged and depressed with my life and couldn't think of anything to blog about. i would tell myself i'm not as good as the amazing bloggers i follow. i would think too much about who would be reading my blog, who i might offend, who might see me for who i really am.

so silly.

because honestly, i blog for me. blogs make me happy. and i've decided to fill my life with things that make me happy--no matter what other people think.

you may not be able to pin-point me into a specific group, because really--i don't fit into any ONE group. I try to try new things, i try to pull things i like from every category of people and put them into my life.

and that's okay.

for a while i had an identity crisis and thought that if i didn't choose one group to fit in to, then I was in a group all on my own--and that is lonely. But, what i just figured out two minutes ago, is that I am lucky--because i'm not in a group all on my own; i fit into many different groups. i can learn from a lot of different people and enjoy many friends.

i can't stress myself out worrying about blogging every day, or blogging incredible things every time. this blog is supposed to be FUN--that was how it started and then it turned into a job that i quickly quit--because i don't have time for two jobs--but I DO have time to fill my life with happiness and do things i love.

this blog has a new look--and a new me. it will be filled with honest words, happiness, everyday life, and love.

and can't we all use a little of that in our life?