Thursday, May 24, 2012


 Kessa graduated yesterday! I can't believe it! She is beautiful and I'm so lucky to have her as my sister! 

 I can't believe it was four years ago that I was here graduating! Weird!

"Wait, where's the diploma? :("

Grandpa Egbert came

Then we headed to Magleby's for dinner and chocolate cake!

Kess & Kyle

Congratulations guys!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Graphic Design

I've always been a graphic design lover, but after college--where I actually learned to MAKE the graphics I admired--I fell in even more love.

These prints/invites made me want to throw a party! So pretty!!

DIY PRINTABLE Chalkboard Engagement Party Invitation

National Stationery Show Belle Union Sneak Peek5 300x471 Stationery Show Sneak Peek: Belle + Union

Modern Andalucia Floral Wedding Invitation Suite - (DIY print at home)

Signature White Bridal Shower Circle Cards Diagonal Frame - Front : Goldenrod

Customize Your Print with Character colors and Text

Stripes and Glitter - Printable Invitation - Bridal Shower

Monday, May 21, 2012


Did you watch Ellen's 1500th show on Friday? I love when I can tune into her show because I always giggle and smile, but Friday's was one of a kind. I LAUGHED. hard. I can't tell you the last time I actually flat out laughed out loud. I couldn't help it, I laughed probably 45 minutes out of the hour.

It was amazing. I can't even begin to explain to you the difference it made in my day. I've always heard laughter is the best medicine, but I've never seen that big of a change before. I felt light and happy and ready to do things I needed to get done.

I need to make laughter a bigger part of my everyday life. I'll be much happier.  Here, laugh a little with me:

happiness. thanks for 1500 laughs, ellen; here's to 1500 more! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Paper Poofs

In high school I worked at this darling Consignment Boutique: The Wandering Wardrobe. I have become lovely friends with Patty, the owner, and I'm so lucky to have her kind heart in my life.

My sister works there now, but has had softball practice everyday right after school during her normal shift. . .so since I haven't found a job, I've been working 2-3 days a week there. It has been so wonderful and I'm so grateful to have a little bit of work. . .

Anyway! Long story short, Patty and I saw this darling tissue paper poofs on Pinterest and knew we HAD to make some for the porch. So I got straight to work. . .! Look how colorful and bright! This will definitely brightened the store for summer!

Can't wait for the install! More pictures to come! And if you're in Springville, come visit me at Wandering Wardrobe!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cherry Berry Happiness

You know those days when you try hard not to let things going on around you/things happening to you affect the way you act/treat people? But no matter what you do, people still yell at you, people still drive slow, you still have to do all the things you don't want to do. 

Yesterday was one of those days. I was designated chauffeur, "I hate you" target, and receiver of unwanted advice. 

After dropping off kid #5 at softball practice, I had had enough.  I flipped a U-turn and started on my way to Mickey D's. A cherry berry chiller, ice cream cone, and extra cup later: I drove to the closest get-away I could find. Overlooking my town. I put the car in park, turned on the music, stirred my chiller and ice cream together, and put my feet up to enjoy a few seconds for me. 

And I realized something.  Happiness can be found (if even for just a few minutes) in even the worst days. I'm sure I'll have way worse days in my life, but I know I'll have WAY better days too. Perhaps happiness is a choice--like so many say; but I see it like this: Happiness is a mystery. The key is figuring out a piece of it everyday and remembering the good times instead of the bad. 

Here's to many easy-to-find happy moments popping up in your life! Cheers!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Filling Up Free Time

Pinterest inspires me everyday to be creative and do things that make me happy. Here's just a few things I'm planning on filling up my free time with. 

I've GOT to quit playing Oregon Trail and Draw Something on my kindle. Waste. of. Time. 

Time to put my free time to good use and do things I've been dreaming of making/doing. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why I Hate Animals.

This post is not meant to offend or even to persuade: It is merely meant to try to explain.

Most people know I'm an animal hater, but mostly a pet despise-r. I don't understand the point. I won't even watch "animal movies". People laugh and make fun of me, but they know when we're at the video store any talking animals (real or cartoon), any horse movies, any dog movies, etc etc etc should not even be picked off the shelf, let alone suggested for movie night.

I try to bite my tongue and keep it inside when I'm around people, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings: but now it has gone too far--I have to vent.

Story time. About a year ago, my family was on our way to Disneyland for a week. I was home visiting from college and I was staying in the guest room.  That is our cat's ("Peacho's" as Calli would say) favorite room to sleep in for some reason. When I'm home I always close the door because I don't want his nasty hair balls all over my bed, clothes, carpet, shoes, etc. So on our way out I shut my door so he wouldn't go in there while we were gone. Fast forward a week. We come home. Can't find Peacho anywhere. I open my door. Stupid cat has been in my room ALL WEEK. No food. No water. Hoarse from Meowing. GAH!

Okay, so that was bad. I DID feel bad about that. But he shouldn't have been in there in the first place!!

So we clean the carpet, douse it with pet odor Febreeze. I go back to college.

Fast forward to now. I move back home after graduation. Fill the closet up with my clothes. After a while mom keeps commenting about cat-pee odor every time I'm around. I try to wear new outfits, but there's always a weird smell that I can't figure out what it is. Finally it clicks. My closet reeks. My clothes are all smelly. One night I'm sick of it. I look online for home remedies to get rid of cat odor. Found one with great reviews. Try it out.

Bad idea. The result: the entire house smells. My room is hurriedly purged of everything and thrown into the Piano Room. Yes, I've been living out of the Piano Room for weeks now. I had to wash every single piece of clothing and some STILL smell.

The good news: new carpet is on it's way!! I should be back in my own room in about 2 weeks! Hallelujah.

Still though: I seriously don't understand the point of pets. Here's just 12 reasons why I cringe every time I see them.

1. They smell AWFUL!
2. They send me into an asthma attack with their gross fur.
3. They are ugly.
4. They are stupid.
5. They don't listen.
6. They bark/meow for no reason. (i.e. when we are using the can opener to open a can of BEANS and Stupid thinks it's TUNA. . .EVERYtime. everytime. really?!)
8. Carpet ruined. (pee, ripped up, hair, smelly food)
9. Home destroyers.
10. Yard destroyers.
11. You can't go on vacation without worrying about feeding, walking, etc.
12. Barking/Meowing/Chirping the second you try to sleep.

hair hair hair hair hair

 Okay, so this may have been WAY too much information. Hopefully you can just giggle at this LONG post and not get offended, I just wanted to help you understand a little of where my hatred comes from. Also: I needed to vent. haha, thanks for reading folks!! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

For mom's 3rd grade class this year, she wanted to do something special for mother's day. . .She had her kids write words that described their mom and I put them in a collage. I did one for my mom too! She is all those words and more! I sure love her! Happy Mother's Day, mama.

Friday, May 11, 2012


For mother's day this year, I thought it would be fun to fill up my mom's empty picture frames around the house.  She loves the idea of family pictures everywhere around the house, but hasn't had time. . .so slowly I've been taking the kiddies out for portraits. Here's a little peek of Court's pictures. Cute kid! :)

It's also his birthday tomorrow! 13!! Can't believe it! Happy Birthday!