As Sydney says: "I don't want to use "busy" anymore, as a filler word or as a social status or whatever it is. "
I'm sick of not being able to enjoy the little things because I'm always thinking about what else I have to do. My life is only going to get busy-er. and really. . .EVERYONE is busy--so doesn't "busy" lose some of it's compassion? When people say they are busy to me, sometimes in my little devil part of mind (that I'm trying to get rid of), I think "GURL!? Seriously? You don't even KNOW what BUSY IS!" haha, but then again I'm sure when I say busy to others, they think the same thing.
The truth is, we are all "busy". A lot of times I'm "busy" doing nothing. Meaning I'm filling up my time with so many things that are not very important. Not on purpose. We all do it. Maybe it's because we never want to be alone with our time to let our thoughts get carried away, so we always make sure we leave things on the "to do" list to flood over into infinity tomorrows. Maybe it's because we feel good about ourselves when we check things off our list. Not that these are bad things to feel--I mean--at least I'm not LAZY--right?
But honestly I remember in high school making to-do lists that said 1. "Wake Up", 2."Get Dressed", 3. "Eat Breakfast". Like I needed a reminder on paper to get dressed????? HOPEFULLY I learned that long ago! ;) BUT by the time I got to school, I was able to cross 3+ things off my list and my list was 1/3 done! WOW! I am talented!
It's time to raise the bar. Church last Sunday was about Raising the Bar in our life. Sometimes we get caught up in a rut and the only way to get out is to raise the bar our hands are connected to and get ourselves out of the mud.
It's time to be kinder.
It's time to do things that are MOST IMPORTANT on my list. and only those. and not feel guilty about it.
I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting about a month ago about BEing rather than DOing. DOing is good, but I can be better. and when I master better, then I can focus on being BEST.
That is what life is about. BEing happy. BEing with family. BEing kind. Taking time to BE the person you want to BEcome.
And the best part is. . . we don't have to do it all at once. We'll ALWAYS have something to work on, so boredom or anything else we're scared of having if we throw out the too-long to-do list--it won't come. And that's a good thing. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. Take it one step at a time.
I promise that if we raise the bar a little bit we will feel so much more proud and accomplished than we EVER have felt with crossing off our lists.
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