Thursday, October 3, 2013

are we called fans because they are so hot?

i did it. i wrote my first ever fan letter. can you guess to whom?

My Bcumberbatch of course!

i told him i was in awe of the incredible actor and person he was. i told him i loved sherlock and couldn't wait for the next series. i told him i was excited to see what he's done for smaug in the next hobbit movie. i told him he was brilliant in star trek: into darkness.

i didn't tell him i loved him and wanted to marry him. i didn't tell him we'd be a great couple. i didn't tell him my pinterest feed was full of his face. but i kinda{really} wanted to.

i sent an illustration i drew of him and the lovely martin freeman in their sherlock garb.
i asked if he would pretty please sign and send back the enclosed pictures of his sexy face.

and then i sent it. !! 

cross your fingers, wear your lucky underwear, hold your breath...whatever you do for luck>do it and send it my way! it would be a DREAM to hear back from him! ;) 
here's to hoping!


  1. You are my freaking HERO!!! I want to be you when I grow up!

  2. You are adorable. I hope he replies!
