Monday, November 25, 2013

What's in the BAG 2

Another version of What's In The Bag is here!

This time: my makeup bag!

1. Clinique Perfectly Real Foundation (not sticky, not thick, tons of shades)
2. Blush Brush (say that 10 times fast) 
3. Covergirl Concealer (green erases any red you've got)
4. Eyelash curler from Forever 21
5. Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer (the coolest stuff! just smooths out your face so foundation goes on really smooth-like)
6. Maybelline Perfect Pastels Shocking Seas Eyeshadow
7. E.L.F Complexion Perfection (same idea as the Concealer-evens skin tone)
8. Clinique Fresh Bloom All Over Color (i use it as blush-there's a light pink part and a bronze part, so you get 2-in-1!)
9. Great Lash Mascara is the BEST...and they have the cool colors again, so I use Teal some days and pink on the bottom lashes some days
9. Claires was having their 10 for $10 sale and they had this mascara and I thought 'sure, why not' and it has been SO great! It makes my lashes look 10 feet long and it goes on really smooth--who knew!?
10. Colored Eye Liner (this is my signature...teal, green, purple, black, silver, gold-i have almost every color! The Wet-n-Wild is only 99cents and I like it the best...sometimes cheaper works!)
11. Clinique Foundation Brush (best purchase I've ever made. No more gloppy crap all over your hands, no more sponges soaking up all the foundation--it's the coolest)
12. My cute bag that has 2 zipper pockets so everything is easy to reach!

Clinique should offer me some royalties after this post! :)

What's your favorite make-up accessory?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Tom Freaking Hiddleston

Freakin' look at this guy.

Just look at him.

Ugh.  Cute.
He is the happiest freaking person.

Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston

He finds joy in everything.

Loki wearing Loki. Tom Hiddleston

I wish I could enjoy life as much as him.
I wish I could have as much pure joy and fun with life as he does.

Hiddleston in a bath tub...that is all


I wish I could enjoy life WITH him, but that's another story.

I do not understand how Tom can be this amazing. Why can't I know him? Seriously, this is irritating.
wow. just...mmmm.

Tom Hiddleston

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dear All,

Taking a page from my girls Elise and Elisabeth's books/blogs, I thought I'd try a "Dear Boys" post...but I think I will expand it to "Dear All", because honestly, the only boy I can think of to write to is the one that works at the Toy Helicopter kiosk across the walkway from my work and stares at me all day--and that would NOT be interesting...

Dear Giant Mall Christmas Tree,

You're blocking my view of the screaming 
kids on the Carousal and I really appreciate that.


Dear Dumb Customers,

If you don't understand that 
even after I've explained it 8,000 don't belong here.

Thanks for coming in,

Dear Vampire Diaries,

I love your show. I love Damon. I love Klaus&Caroline. 
I'm a little sad that I'm caught up now and only get to watch once a week now.


Dear Chocolate,

We've got to break up. I'm just too addicted to
you and my pants are starting to get too tight.

I'm just kidding-I love you too much

Dear Darling,

You don't have a ring on your finger...
you're freaking adorable...
i know we've only talked twice about work stuff 
you needed for your mall marketing job
--but could you please ask me out?

I love you

Dear Tumblr,

More Tom Hiddleston please.

Mrs. Hiddleston

Dear YOU,

Thanks for reading my blog. 
You are the bomb {dot} com.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life...

Usually about October 1st is when I start listening to Christmas music. I just love the feeling it has and I'm not really a Halloween or Thanksgiving lover--so I don't fall for the "It's-not-even-Halloween-yet" speech.
This year though, I've been a little slow to hop on the wagon...I'm thinking it's probably because I had to listen to THE.SAME.SONGS over and over again at work 40 hours a week last year. I swear if I hear "Santa Baby" one more time I will start a killing spree. Hopefully we'll have a little more variety this year, but for now, I'll stick with my I-pod (at least for a bit longer)...

I saw a blogging challenge to put your I-pod on shuffle and blog the first 10 songs that come up...I guess you'll really get to know who I am now! Here goes...

1. Bruno Mars MARRY YOU
2. Katy Perry FIREWORK
3. Mindy Gledhill ALL ABOUT YOUR HEART
5. George Michael FAITH (haha...faiththefaiththefaith)
6. Bridgit Mendler WE'RE DANCING
7. Gwen Stefani HOLLABACK GIRL (yeah boi)
8. Sara Barellies KING OF ANYTHING
9. Usher YEAH!
10. Justin Bieber TAKE YOU

I don't know why I was so nervous about that--those are all pretty good songs. :) 
yeah, i have good taste--what didja think?

Now I'm sitting here at work, listening to Selena Gomez belt "WHEN YOU'RE READY COME AND GET IT, OH UH OH..." for the millionth time TODAY...& I'm thinking it's time to sync up my "Merry" playlist. I need some Bieber "Under the Mistletoe" like....NOW! (figuratively and literally-if ya know what I mean--wink*wink*lol)

What are your top favorite songs? Sounds like I need to spend a little time with the purchase button in I-tunes tonight...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's in the BAG

Ever wondered what's in my bag? 
You luckies get a sneak peek into the catch-all bag that's always on my shoulder...
What's your always-have-to-have item you carry?

1. Too much lipgloss
2. Always have to have some hard candy...
3. ...and gum...
4. ...and mints that remind me of Disneyland
5. Headphones to block out the world
6. Glossy Ink pen for sketching
7. My Smash/Sketch/Art Journal/Book
8. keys and my mustache keychain!
9. Glittery Phone
10. Wallet full of frequent-buyer cards
11. Sunnies. 4eva.